Call for Peace and Dialogue in Response to the Violence in Northern Syria and Iraq

August 27, 2024

We express our deep concern and indignation over the escalating violence and military interventions conducted by Turkey in northern Syria and Iraq. These actions, which include airstrikes and cross-border operations, have resulted in the loss of lives and extensive destruction, severely affecting civilians and critical infrastructure.

The recent attacks, including those targeting two journalists in Suleymaniyah, Iraq, and civilians in Qamishli, Syria, are particularly troubling. These acts of violence not only violate the principles of sovereignty of neighboring states but also endanger innocent lives, including those of civilians and journalists whose mission is to report crucial information to the public. It is also regrettable that Turkey continues to regularly target civilians and civilian infrastructure, thereby exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in an already deeply suffering region.

We strongly condemn these acts of violence and reaffirm our belief that the use of force will not resolve the region’s security issues. Armed conflicts only serve to fuel cycles of violence and revenge, creating deep divisions within communities and countries. The path to peace can only be achieved through dialogue, mutual understanding, and international cooperation.

We call on all parties involved, including the Turkish government, to immediately cease military operations and engage in peace talks. It is crucial to prioritize diplomatic solutions and work together to find sustainable answers to security concerns, while respecting state sovereignty and human rights.

We also urge the international community to play an active role in facilitating dialogue among the parties and supporting peace efforts. The global community must stand with innocent civilians and journalists, protecting their rights and ensuring their safety.

It is time to end the violence and build a future based on peace, justice, and mutual respect. Only a sincere commitment to dialogue and reconciliation will bring lasting peace to this troubled region, for the benefit of all its inhabitants.

Solidarité Internationale pour la Paix